Now you can edit your own new mission as you like.Or you could just rename one of them to your liking. Open one of the existing other missions in the folder and copy everything to your newly created one.Open your init.c from /mpmissions/YOURMISSION.YOURMAP/ and add the following line to the top of the file:Ĭode: BotGroupMission#NAME.c For #NAME use your own mission name.Reference: /mpmissions/hardcore.namalsk/BotMissions Open "BotAi.ver 1.06\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus" and copy the BotMissions folder to your server map folder.Į.g.: /mpmissions/YOURMISSION.YOURMAP/BotMissions.Add the Key AiBot.bikey from "\BotAi.ver 1.06\Keys" to your server Key folder.Add botserverSide to your " -servermod=" server load parameters, as you would do with any other mod.Add botClientSide to your " -mod=" server load parameters, as you would do with any other mod.These files are not meant to be modified by you, just for your server to work Open up the archive and extract the following folders from "\BotAi.ver 1.06" to your DayZ root server botClientSide botserverSide.The first release of an experimental build should happen soon but we cannot give any time frames.The following steps can be done for every map of your choice.Ĭhapter I: Installing the necessary files. The development process is slower now due to the lack of documentation however progress should speed up with time. End game improvements like skills and attributes.Custom Items weapons, and vehicles of all types,.Barter based NPC Traders - that only sell what has been sold to them and use in-game items as currency,.We are accepting merge requests for following features:
Submit work via pull request to the experimental GitHub branch found here: Ĭontact one of the Epoch Devs in discord to get added to the community dev roles on discord.Īgree to the code of conduct and that your work will be released via steam workshop by EpochModTeam and licensed as DPL-SA.
Have references showing some of your work.īe able to fork, compile, test, and merge your changes on your own. If you want to become a Collaborator on the project you must: We are looking for community developers that want to work towards a common goal: Everyone working together to make all their work properly compatible and in one place. The goal will be to make an open source and a community developed mod licensed as DayZ Public License Share Alike (DPL-SA). The development of Epoch Mod for DayZ Standalone has officially begun and we are seeking community collaborators to help develop Epoch Mod for DayZ Standalone.